This article explains how to configure the scheduled process to submit automatic payments to Edbacker and import payments from Edbacker into Aeries as part of the Aeries Student Financial Transactions system.

Only an Aeries Administrator can access the configuration page for the Edbacker scheduled process.

Once Edbacker integration has been set up, Aeries Administrators can enable a scheduled process that will perform the following actions:

  • Submit payments to Edbacker for students with AutoPay turned on and whose scheduled payments are due
  • Pull existing transactions from students' active Edbacker campaigns into the Financial Transaction Details (FTD) table in Aeries (only those that have not already been pulled into Aeries)

Select School Info | Configurations | Edbacker Nightly Process Config in the navigation menu. The following page will display.

Enter the following information to configure the scheduled process.

Days to process
Check the box next to each day of the week that the process should run
Enter the time of day that the process should run, or click the clock icon to select a time from the list
Email Address
Enter an email address (or multiple email addresses separated by commas). These addresses will receive a confirmation email each time the process runs.

Click the Enable Scheduled Process button. The status will change to "Enabled". Click the Save button to save changes.

When the process is enabled, the button will be labeled Disable Scheduled Process. Click this button at any time to disable the scheduled process.

Note: This configuration page will actually create two scheduled processes. One will process payments and update transactions at the selected time. The other will ONLY update transactions, and it will automatically be scheduled to run 12 hours apart from the first process. So, payments will only be processed once per day, but transactions will be updated twice per day.

Note: While the scheduled processes will update transactions for all students with active campaigns, the transactions for an individual student can be updated immediately simply by browsing to the Financial Transaction Summary page for that student.