The Administer permission option in Aeries is used to grant users or groups special permissions for certain tasks as outlined below:

Student Data - The Administer option available for Student Data allows users with this permission to be able to override the rule that a student must be inactive at another school in order to transfer the student. With admin permissions to Student Data a user will be allowed to do student transfers of students who are active at other schools.

Student Documents - The Administer option available for Student Documents allows users with this permission to be able to change or delete a student document added by another user.

Attendance - The Administer option is an available security level for the Attendance area. This access level is used to limit who can perform the “Initialize ATT/CAR” and “Update Attendance and Enrollment Totals” processes. Users given the Administer permission for Attendance will be able to perform the “Initialize ATT/CAR” and “Update Attendance and Enrollment Totals” processes.

Gradebooks - The Administer option to the Gradebooks (Admin Query Only, Tchrs Full Access) area will give users the ability to emulate teacher gradebook access. Users who have been granted this access will be able to see Teacher Emulation | Gradebook on the navigation tree.

Gradebook Backups - The Administer option to the Gradebook Backups area will give users the ability to backup teacher gradebooks. Users who have been granted this permission will be able to see the BackupGradebooks node under the School Info | Functions area on the navigation tree.

Grades - The Administer option to the Grades area will give users the ability to load Grades from teacher gradebooks under the Teacher Emulation node.  Users who have been granted this access will be able to see Teacher Emulation | Grades By Teacher on the navigation tree.

Standard Based Grades - The Administer option to the Standards BasedGrades area will give users the ability to load Standard Based Grades from teacher gradebooks under the Teacher Emulation node. Users who have been granted this access will be able to see Teacher Emulation | Standard BasedGrades By Teacher on the navigation tree.

Teacher Data - The Teacher Data Administer option will allow school level users the ability to manage Aeries Web Version Teacher accounts for their school. Users who have been granted this security permission will be able to see 

Manage Teacher Portal Accounts under School Info | Configurations on the navigation tree.

Parent/Student Portal Accounts - The Parent/Student Portal Accounts Administer option allows a user to be able to manage parent and student accounts. Users who have been granted this permission will see Manage Parent/Student Accounts under School Info | Configurations on the navigation tree.

Analytics Test Scanning and Scoring - The Administer permission for Analytics Test Scanning and Scoring gives a user the ability to manage Exams. It will also allow users who have been granted this security permission to be able to access Copy Exam Results to Test Table under Aeries Analytics | Testing on the navigation tree.

Analytics Exam Results - The Administer permission for Analytics Exam Results will allow the user to run Exam Analysis reports. With this permission, users will see the Exam Analysis option on the navigation tree under the Aeries Analytics | Testing node.

Analytics Dashboard - The Analytics Dashboard Administer option allows a user the ability to share a dashboard with other users.

Service Learning Data and Log - The Administer permission for Service Learning Data and Log will allow users with this permission to use the Service Learning Hours Approval page to approve or deny hours. A user granted this permission will also see Svc Lrng Approval on the navigation tree under the Service Learning node.

Service Learning Organizations - The Administer permission for Service Learning Organizations will allow users with this permission to be able to use the Service Learning Organization Approval page to approve or deny an organization. A user granted this permission will also see Svc Lrng Org Approval on the navigation tree under the Service Learning node.

Test Settings - Non-admin user accounts will need Administer to the Test Settings (STS) security area for the CAASPP Export Files node to be available to them.

Mass Add Student Related Data - Users with Admister permission to the page are permitted to overwrite layouts saved by other users.

Career Pathways - allowa non-admin users access to the Career Pathways Extract Files page.

State Reporting - gives permission to do State Reporting imports/exports. This option is required for any user doing CALPADS or other state reporting extracts.

Custom Reports - A user with Administer permissions to this area can create Custom Report Items, can view all reports and can share reports.

Physical Fitness Test Results - Physical Fitness by Teacher page in the Teacher Emulation node also includes theTesting Administration drop down. users with Admin rights to Physical FitnessTest Results will have this screen available when they log into

Referrals to Intervention - gives users access to the Referrals Approval page to approve/deny referrals.