The Default Code Management screen is found within School Info | Configurations in the navigation menu. This screen is used to quickly add new Aeries-defined default code sets to the Code (COD) table. The 504 Plan and related 504 tables are the only tables that can be updated at this time. As more default code sets become available they will be added to the screen.

The Go to Update Code Table button can be used to switch to the Update Code Table screen which allows for greater modification to the Code table.

Use the Select a Module and Select a Field dropdowns to select the table and field that will be updated with default code values.

Once the table and field are selected the Table Name, Table Code and Field Code will display on the next line. Below that the available Default Codes will appear in a list on the left and any codes that are currently set up will appear in a list under the Current CodesĀ area.

The sort order can be adjusted by clicking on the headers in the Default Codes or Current Codes. Clicking on the Category header will sort the list alphabetically by category. An arrow displays next to the header to indicate that it is being sorted. Clicking once on the header will sort the column in ascending order, clicking a second time will sort it in descending order and clicking it once more will remove the sort.

Multiple sorts can be applied to a list. In the below example Category header was selected to sort the items by category, then the Code header was selected to create a secondary sort on code.

The Show unused codes only checkbox can be used to limit the list in the Default Codes list to only those that are not already added to the current codes. In the below example the Learning and Mobility codes do not display under Default Codes once the Show unused codes only checkbox is selected.

Select the checkboxes next to the default codes that need to be added to the Code table. Then click on the upper double arrows to move the selected codes to the Current Codes side.

If a code was moved over to the Current Codes side in error it can be moved back to the Default Codes side prior to saving by selecting the checkbox next to the code and clicking on the lower double arrows.

NOTE: The checkboxes in the header of the Default Codes and Current Codes can be used to quickly select or de-select all codes at once.

After all of the desired codes have been moved to the Current Codes side for the selected table, click on the Save the Changes to the Code Table button to save the new code values to the Code table, or click on Cancel to not save the changes.

Once the changes have been saved, the Current Codes can no longer be removed using the double arrows. If, however, certain codes have not already been used in the data, they can be deleted from the current code set. In the below example, the CONCEN code was not used in any 504 Disability Effects (FDE) records, so it can be deleted from the Code table. Once deleted the CONCEN code will not appear in the 504 Disability Effect (FDE.CD) dropdown as an available code value.